One of the previous teaser trailers was called ‘Daisukies Case’. It comes across as having a romance genre. However it is said that the actual context of the film was meant to be based on the Japanese male being haunted by a mystical sprit and is trying to keep his relationship together. Even so this didn’t come across in the teaser trailer, what was particular good about it was the sound/music in the background. It definitely had that traditional Japanese film music which works well with the trailer.
The captions between the shots of the trailer does what the brief says and it does tease us but personally for me that’s the only thing that teases the audience. There also could have been a wider range of shots used as from a media perspective there are just mainly medium shots in the trailer.
Overall apart from the text, the trailer doesn’t actually fill the fulfilment of the brief which is to tease. The shots in the trailer tell us too much about the film ‘boy and girl have trouble with relationship’.
Another trailer I watched is called ‘Judas Kiss’. From looking at the title and watching the teaser trailer, the two didn’t seem to come together at first. However the technique of this trailer is extremely good. The shot seems to be all together as it is filmed and portrayed in a point of view way. It feels like were the ones walking through the train station.
The first 18 seconds of the trailer allows the scene to be set. There are high angel shots of people in the station and the way that they are shot is if someone is watching them. This makes it feel like we’re the ones watching them. There is no interaction between any of the characters in this trailer as there are no characters to identify with. However the director of the trailer doesn’t leave us just point blank.
When were into 19 seconds of the trailer we get are first bit of identification. The text reads ‘prepare to be betrayed’ which is directly aimed at us. It makes us wonder why we need to be prepared and who will be the one to betray. After this the trailer carries on through the train station and where it leads to the second bit of text which seems to be carrying on from the previous. But before this there is a shot of looking at the tome in the station. This is significant because the text reads ‘to lose everything’ which could also represent time.
One of the following shots, which adds to the credibility of the film, is when it’s out of the station and the camera is of low angel technique which allows are eyes to follow the tall buildings above us. The last text is ‘to have to start again’. After this the whole contents of the trailer rewinds back to the start of the train with the music still playing the same. The music seems to be for an action/crime movie. This helps to give us an idea of what this film may be about.
When were back at the start the movie title comes up which is ‘Judas Kiss’ from this we understand more about the previous text due to common knowledge of Judas. We know that there will be a plot about betrayal but don’t know exactly what about. That is what signifies this teaser trailer, it does what’s it’s supposed to do and teases us. It’s simple but effective.
The third and final trailer I looked at is called ‘The Market Boys’. When the footage of the trailer starts off we first hear a voice over of what seems to be and east end male’s voice. Even though we don’t see him we know by the way he is talking that he could possibly be of top hierarchy as he sounds like he knows what he’s talking about. We also get the picture that the people who may be in this film are working class youths. For example, the first shot of the trailer is of a close up of the edge of the side walk. At first glance it reminded me of a gutter which could represent low status. Plus the people standing around in the long shot seem to be young people. Also the voice over mentions kids in what he says.
A significant shot of this trailer is where we get a view of an estate which then leads to us seeing a long shot of the overview of many other estates. Again this makes reference to the fact that the characters are possibly working class. This is also were the background music starts to play. It has a hip hop drop beat with someone one the track as well. It indicates that the genre might be real life drama like the film Fish Tank.
There is text after that shot which reads ‘in a place that the world left behind’. The font is small and taking from this and the words this could mean that the setting of the film is where nobody cares about, a place where people are deprived. The next shot is point of view where we see a walk way. The next text is significant to the next shot as it reads ‘where the weak don’t last’ and then we see someone getting beaten up by a couple of guys.
After that the next set of text are sought of like statements. For example ‘You fight’. The shot after that is of what seems to be a tough looking girl who attacks the camera with her body. As it is still point of view it seems like she is attacking us. It is the same with the text afterwards which reads ‘You Run’ and after we see two people running. The last one of these statements is ‘You Hide’, there is then a shot of someone going to hide but then there is another text while we hear 3 gun shots. The text reads ‘But no one ever escapes’ which relates to the gun shots.
Daisukies Case
Judas Kiss
The Market Boys